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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Super Dragon Ball Z

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Game Name : Super Dragon Ball Z
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2006-03-07 01:04:48
Views : 21235

Unlockable Level
You must collect all 7
Dragon Balls to make a wish. You must make over three wishes to unlock the Enhanced set of Wishes.

King Kai's Planet
Make over 5 wishes and then wish it from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes

Double-Or-Nothing Match
Create at least five Character cards, and earn enough B.P. to get them listed on the Top 20 Ranking (Accessed via Options mode)

Krillin's Secret Wish
Defeat all opponents in Z-Survivor mode without losing, including the double-or-nothing match.

Super Kamehameha
same as kame hame ha except instead of doing down right right once you do it twice then triangle The same as the kamehameha, except instead of pressing Down Down Right Right once, you do the sequence twice, then press Triangle.

Change Wallpaper in Customize Mode
At the title screen, enter the following code below. If done correctly, you should hear Goku saying one of his quotes to confirm it was done successfully.

Note: To unlock the Enhanced set of wishes, make over two/three wishes. You must have the Enhanced set of Wishes unlocked in order to wish; to be able to change Wallpaper in Customize Mode. Also, you must collect all 7 Dragon Balls to make a wish.

You are able to change the Wallpaper for Customize Mode in Game Options. You must wish for it though, in the Enhanced set of wishes. Press: Up, Triangle, Down, X, L1, Square, R1, Circle.

Unlockable Characters
You must collect all 7 Dragon Balls and also must have the Enhanced set of Wishes which is unlocked after the second wish you make. You can only make one wish each time you collect the 7 Dragon Balls.

Ultimate Gohan
Wish him from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes.

Majin Vegeta
Wish him from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes.

King Piccolo
Wish him from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes.

Make over 5 wishes to unlock the wish for her. Then wish for her from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes.

Mecha Frieza
Make over 10 wishes to unlock the wish for him. Then wish for him from Shenron in the Enhanced set of Wishes.

Easily Defeat the Easier AIs
The easiest way to win any battle is to repeatedly use the strong Homing attack (R2). Catch your opponent off guard as soon as the fight begins, and continue to attack with R2 until you're movement gauge is depleted. Even if they block a few, eventually they'll let down their guard. While you're waiting for your movement gauge to refill, use your special attacks and fire ki attacks toward them. Once you can go back to using the Homing attack, start pounding them again.

To do a Kamehameha, press Down, Down, Right, Right, Triangle really fast. Keep the triangle pressed to charge up the kamehameha.

Charged attacks:
When using a special or beam attack from the command list, hold R1 or L1 (may vary depending on controller configuration) to charge the attack. Note: This only works with beam attack such as Special Beam Cannon (Piccolo) and Ka-Me-Ah-Ma-Ha (Goku).

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